Let’s create a reality you’re shocked by.
the one where you wake up and your book is sitting on your bookshelf, and hundreds of thousands of other people’s nightstands.
the one where you’re doing what you’re meant to do, on purpose, with a whole lot of purpose.
the one where you’re not afraid to love fully.
the one where you are changing lives, especially your own.
let’s create what you’ve been dreaming of for so long.
I’m Gabi Garrett and I’m here to unlock your next level of fabulousness.
I am a journalist, a speaker, an author & the leader of one of the world’s largest publishing companies.
I manifested the life of my dreams and now teach others how to:
A) Create space for their passion(s)
B) Publish their own books through my company, Word to Your Memoir, or with my partnership with Monster Publishing
C) Create confidence and Manifest like a MotherF*cker.
i’ve been published a few places you may have seen me, i can help you do the same.

Wondering how to make space for your dreams?
I’ve put together every resource I used to clear my mind of cluttered, old beliefs and create time to go after what truly mattered to me. I believe the dream doing cartwheels in your mind is there for a reason, and I’m here to help you catapult into your next level.
50 Ways to Magic is a daily read that will allow you to create space in your life for the magical things coming next, as well as define what those next-step magical things are. This is a fun, entertaining and light-hearted self-help book geared towards women who are ready to make space, but feel like “Marie Kondo”-ing is a little tool rule book like and aren’t really needing Tony Robbins to yell at them – Gabi is the new BFF you’ve been looking for to help you examine your life and make it even more kick-ass.
holla if you need a little guidance now
My most recent blogs:
You’ve got this.
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