
Is it time to Up Level into Facebook Ads?

Wondering how you can level up in your business? In this blog, my new friend, Jennifer Spivak shares how she up levels her and her client’s businesses with an abundance mindset and Facebook Ads. After all, we all need a little bit of internal and external work to make our dreams come true, am I right?!

Jennifer owns an all-female Facebook and Instagram advertising agency, #TEAMSPIVAK, who works primarily with other women entrepreneurs who wish to turn their ad campaigns into money-making machines so they can live a life they love and change the world. By doing this, she gets her ideal client’s, ideal clients, in the door with fun and ease.

As we chatted, I asked Jen what her favorite project was recently. Though some of her clients invest multiple-five figures into ads, she recently worked with a client that was SO clear about her messaging, that by investing apx. $1,200 she saw a return of $9,000.

And how does that magic become possible? 


Despite the fact that her client is really amazing and lovely, the client already had the necessary foundational elements in place: great funnels, branding, and messaging. The client also had tracking systems set up where they can see exactly what people are buying, where people are dropping off, the breakdowns, knowing how to improve things, and the conversion rates.

These data elements are so important to functional campaigns. The return on investment is awesome but the fact that there is such a clear picture is what Jen says makes these projects fun as her team can perform at their highest level.

Is it time to Up Level into Facebook Ads - Gabi Garrett and Jennifer Spivak

If you’re thinking about running Facebook ads, here’s what Jen suggests:

“The secret is the foundational stuff, knowing your audience inside and out, and especially knowing what front-facing messaging you need to pull them in,” she shares.


To do this:

  1. Get clear on exactly who you work with
  2. Get even clearer on what you offer
  3. Validate your program with beta testers
  4. Gather testimonials from beta testers and clients
  5. Visualize the outcome and the exact number of ideal clients who you will bring in

As Jen says, “If you can really focus on the grounded foundational elements of your business, that is when you are in a position to start doing other things like Facebook ads because it really should just be fuel to the fire on top of your foundation, not something new.”


If you’re ready to add fire to your fly foundation - holler at Jennifer by clicking HERE.

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